Living on Inspiration

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Top: Target | Skirt: Target | Sandals: idk | Earrings: Jessica Simpson

#24 of the 30×30 Challenge

There are many-many times during this challenge that I’ve wanted to cheat. But I haven’t. Until now. Those sandals… None of the other shoes went with this outfit except for the 4″ heels, and that wasn’t happening on a Saturday to run errands. This skirt and top is all comfy and cozy, the perfect Saturday outfit. I love stretchy skirts!

What is your go-to Saturday outfit when you’re running errands?








Sometimes all you need is a bit of inspiration from somewhere…anywhere before you take a look at your closet! This is when I become super-duper thankful for Pinterest & blogs. Daily doses of inspiration for me!

Top: Express | Skirt: Express via TJMaxx | Belt: NY & Co. | Necklace: AE | Sandals: Target

#22 of the 30×30 Challenge

As I wind this challenge down, I get more inspired. I know this outfit isn’t rocket science, but I never would have put the top and skirt together and I never would have tossed a belt into the mix. So, once again, bravo to whoever came up with the brilliant 30×30. I will be forever grateful.

I have 2 more weeks before I head to the states for Allison’s wedding and then to visit my family for a few weeks after that. Until then, I’m soaking up the sun by the pool, sleeping in, and craving smoothies, any flavor…so this weekend I will be collecting fruits galore! What are your favorite smoothie flavors and/or recipes??




Top: LC for Kohls | Pants: Kohls | Sandals: Target | Watch: Target

#20 of the 30×30 Challenge

After yesterday’s post, I needed some mint and floral in my life. Feeling so much better and put together in this combo. Also, let’s talk about these sandals. I believe I paid under $10 last year when I ordered them online in January. I wore them a few times last summer, but wasn’t head over heels. In regards to these past few months, they have been my go to! They add just enough color and girly-ness I need for any outfit. You’re probably tired of seeing them. Forgive me. 10 more days. :)

I am itching with excitement about heading to the states for 6 weeks!!! One of my best friends is getting married July12th and then I get to spend a few weeks with my family. Living this far away from all of my loves has been super hard, so this will be just perfect!!!!

What’s on your summer agenda?




Top: Old Navy | Shorts: AE | Shoes: Target

#19 of the 30×30 Challenge

I’m sporting the real deal in my real life here for you on this fancy Monday. (while I’m currently in bed, still in my pj’s, eating some granola, listening to Pandora) I am rather shocked that I am even posting this set of pictures, but it’s really happening… I had just dyed my hair, because mom found a few gray strands while she was visiting. Freaked. Me. Out. So, that explains the frizz ball. I threw this easy outfit on to run an errands, with no makeup. My kind of day. Sorta.

Lots has been going on over here. We’re finally settled in the new apartment. I love having a pool – so nice! We had to go shopping for quite a bit of home stuff, which created for a busy week. All of the stress and busy-ness had me not feeling so great and in bed the last couple of days. Hoping for a better week!!!!! :)

Happy Monday! :) What is your go-to-lazy-girl-outfit??




Top: Express | Shorts: AE | Belt: Ann Taylor | Necklace: Old Navy | Sandals: Target

#13 of the 30×30 Challenge

I originally planned on not shopping at all during this challenge. But, who can pass up a stunning, $7 Ann Taylor belt. (Unfortunately, it hasn’t quite dropped to $7 online) Not me, I didn’t even have to think twice. I might even wear it for the next 15 outfits. Just a fair warning.

We were drenched in sun the whole time mom was here. I always burn right away and get extremely red, lobster like. Then it chills out. I have a super nice base now. We’ll see how long I can continue covering my ghost like complexion.
